
TFW have invested in a comprehensive colour management and control system which ensures that we can calibrate and profile our complete print production. Through our managed processes and powerful instruments we can deliver our customers accurate, predictable and consistent output every time.


The first stage in our process is to ensure that all our colour devices are calibrated. We then profile all of our mac and PC screens to ensure that when we view your documents we are viewing them at their very best. All of our presses are then custom profiled. This ensures that when we print to them they are producing the highest quality of print on any given paper stock that is possible.

The client will be sent a full colour calibrated digital proof, upon approval they will return back to us, this will then be used to ensure the machine operator is matching the proof as closely as possible.

Our Reprographics equipment includes:


3 x Apple Macs and 2 PCs with colour calibrated monitors

Industry standard software (Quark, Adobe cloud suite.)

Pitstop Professional (PDF editing software)

Heidelberg platesetter running chemistry-free plates

3 x Fogra calibrated large format ink jet printers

2 xFogra calibrated proofing printers