
In these difficult economic times retailers are increasingly looking for innovative ways to drive customer sales whist maintaining market share and finding ways to reduce costs.
Retail is potentially one of the most sophisticated areas of marketing, as we increasingly know more about shoppers’ habits, demographics, decisions and life styles. However, the marketing delivered in-store can often be limited by the complexity of producing variable POS for each customer segment, at each store.
At TFW Group we recognise:
- The complexities of delivering multi-component campaigns across widely different store types and geographies
- The pressures marketeers are under to ensure in-store campaigns are executed within short timescales whilst at the same time driving costs down to fit into budget
- The importance of creating user friendly bespoke products that can be fitted with ease.
- How to build cross selling strategies using data capture and personalisation, targeting consumers specific needs and improving ROI
- The importance of giving in-store staff the ability to order on-line or execute local campaigns
- Ensuring kits are collated into secure packs and delivered smoothly using our real time on-line tracking system
TFW Group regularly produces bespoke products and kits for a wide range of blue chip companies both direct and through agencies, some of which include:
- Wrangler
- Bacardi
- Volkswagen
- Lexar
- Sony Ericsson
- Youngs Brewery
- Heineken
- Bodyshop
- Clinique